Professional products and services

Hidrocal specializes in the manufacturing sale distribution application of lime mortar, bastard or mixed mortar with concrete or gypsum and special mortar for humidity.

Rectorado Mortero de Cal

Lime Mortar

Traditional lime mortar: lime, aggregate, and mineral pigment

Chinchón Mortero Mixto

Mixed Mortar

Bastard lime-cement mortar

Cabildo Tenerife MPLUS

Special Mortar

Hydrophobic mixed mortar MPlus


Trabadillo TrabiCal

Traditional lime-gypsum mortar TrabiCal

Why choose our mortars?

High decoration service

Hidrocal offers an exclusive high decoration service for interior design, exterior design, and artwork, with materials and finishes of the highest quality, aimed at individuals and professionals.

Do you need more information and budget?

Leave us a message!

Polígono Industrial San José de Valderas

Calle Metal, 9, 28918 Leganés, Madrid

912 77 83 26 / 649 94 24 12 / 649 95 55 59